Natural Treats for Sensitive Stomachs: What to Look For

For many of dogs in the UK, a sensitive stomach isn't just a minor inconvenience; it can affect their overall well-being. As pet parents, it's our duty to ensure they receive the best, and this extends to the treats we offer them. So, here is some information to help you make the best choices for your dog!

Why Choose Natural Treats?

Processed treats may be easily available and sometimes cheaper, but they often come at a price: your pet's health. Natural treats, on the other hand:

  • Are free from harmful chemicals and artificial additives.
  • Have easily digestible ingredients beneficial for overall dog health.
  • Are rich in essential nutrients derived from their natural sources.

Signs Your Dog Has a Sensitive Stomach

Before diving into treat selections, it's essential to identify if your dog indeed has a sensitive stomach. Common symptoms include:

  • Frequent vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Excessive gas
  • Loss of appetite

If you observe these symptoms, consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis.

Ingredients to Look For

When selecting treats for a delicate tummy, keep an eye out for:

  1. Turkey: A great alternative to chicken, turkey is a lean protein that's low in fat and rich in essential nutrients. It's also easily digestible, making it a prime choice for dogs with sensitivities. Ensure you're choosing treats made from 100% pure turkey, devoid of additives or fillers.

  2. Lamb: This is another easily digestible meat, often used in hypoallergenic dog diets. Lamb is rich in essential amino acids and can be a novel protein source for dogs that haven't been exposed to it, thus reducing the risk of allergies.

  3. White Fish: Fish varieties like cod or haddock are lean, packed with omega-3 fatty acids, and gentle on a dog's digestive system. Make sure the treats have no added salt or artificial seasonings.

Ingredients to Avoid

Equally important is knowing what to avoid. Steer clear from:

  • Artificial additives and preservatives which can irritate the digestive system.
  • High-fat content which can be hard for many dogs to digest.
  • Some dairy products that can cause allergic reactions in lactose-intolerant dogs.

Tips for Introducing New Treats

A new treat can be exciting, but remember to:

  • Introduce it gradually to avoid overwhelming your pet's digestive system.
  • Monitor for any adverse reactions, especially during the initial days.
  • Always have fresh water available for your dog after giving any treats.

Our Top Picks for Natural Treats for Sensitive Stomachs

If you are looking for some guidance tailored to your dog then please just get in touch and we'll be happy to help!